Friday, August 19, 2016

Christ the Redeemer

Jews writing about Jesus
What’s that all about?
Are they just covering their bases?
Let’s not forget Christ was a Jew
Let’s also not forget when He rose again
He was still very much a Jew
No matter whose sins he died for
No matter if you like it or not
And the Christians are not the Chosen people
And the Jehovah Witnesses are not the Chosen people
They’re all attempting jump on a train that’s already
Left the station.

And Christ is the Redeemer
Be it in São Paulo or Steubenville
And a saint is a sinner
And a sinner is a saint
And never shall the twain meet
Because if they did this house of cards
Would come crashing down atop our hypocritical heads
And I am still punching away at forty seven years of age
Even if the other poets want nothing to do with me
I’ve never fit in with any subsect of people
It’s just the way the shit floats when you’re irascible
And the time is now for revolt and reclassification.

I’m a Jew
Yes it’s true
According to Jewish Law because my mother is Jewish
I am also one of the chosen
And when Netanyahu is no longer the Prime Minister of Israel
I plan to return to the land of my people
Because Cleveland and me have never seen eye to eye
And if it wasn’t for my lack of making any greenbacks
I’d get away as fast as I possibly can because my redemption
Does not exist in this uninspiring concrete jungle of
Cavaliers and Indians.

I write about Jesus a lot
Just like Leonard and Bob have done on occasion
Because I feel comfortable with this Rabbi, this teacher,
This insurgent who knew how to bring power back to the people
While leaving the powers that be in the unforgiving dust of another
Barren desert landscape.

Charles Cicirella

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