Sunday, April 24, 2022

Head Space

We look at the sun and are afraid to burn.
We look at our faces in the mirror and are already scorched.
There’s a lesson distilled in all of us, if we’d only learn to turn the page and walk away from everything and everyone that is doing us harm.

The boxes we bury ourselves in day in and day out would be far less constricting if we only put down the pipe and learned how to forgive ourselves.
We’ll never speak the language of the stars if we continue to lie in the gutter like some guttersnipe or little rascal.
I desired to pet your kitty until realizing your kitty was just as poisoned as our junk food ideals and celebrity recipes for martyrdom.

The Gambler was right “You've got to know when to hold 'em
Know when to fold 'em Know when to walk away And know when to run.”
My friend was recently detoxed and it saved his life, but please understand everyone struggles with their own addictions and the rabbit hole is just one step away.
Snapchat and Instagram recently did my head in with all the paid escorts who are one more false façade in a sea of greed and treachery.

Babu, I give you money.
Babu is the only one getting paid as the rest of us hunger for a human touch or lash of a compensatory whip.
I’ve been down this road before as the sun licks its lips and whispers sweet nothings into my tumor ears.

Call me Icarus or “Call Me Ishmael” either way I’m ready to head back to dry land because all this water has got me sea sick or worse yet sea dead.
I remember the first time we fucked without our masks and how freeing it was until you took out your eyes and I realized we’re all just black holes doing our very best to avoid the potholes and orange barrels along Cedar Road.
Jim found his escape hatch because he was sick and tired of wrestling with choices that he had already decided were no big deal. One more whiskey priest dead and gone, one more whiskey priest cash poor and cashed out.

Charles Cicirella

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