I’ve never felt more alone.
drips off me like the bird flu.
called, said we didn’t respect the virus and to send it back home.
sweet patootie we’re all in this together.
was next to impossible to get tested unless you had money or clout and it’ll be
the same story when the vaccine graces our hollowed out shores.
the lonely have a true shot at redemption, the rest of us co-dependent fucks will
have to settle for an imperfect peace.
never felt more alone as landlords bristle and employers fire at will because
the middle class have become a punchline for the next refrigerated truck filled
with Covid-19 bodies.
wanted to lay low, but Spartacus had different plans so I joined the front ranks
and before you know it was cut down like a firefighter in their prime or Bea
Arthur on The Golden Girls.
DeCicca, I’m pretty certain will have a good chuckle at that last line.
all in this together like we’re all black when another racist kills another
black person in cold blood.
you’re white you can go to the state capitol with your assault rifle for a
protest while if you’re black you can’t even go to the store for Skittles
without fear you’ll be executed.
sick, depraved shit has to stop or at the very least let’s call it what it is
because you won’t get away this time hiding behind sheets, holding torches and
burning crosses into people’s lawns.
Charles Cicirella