Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Words do

Words do make a difference.
A difference between Heaven and Hell?
I don’t know.
Please don’t ask me.
I am hesitant to make any definitive statements at this time.

I’m comfortable here.
In front of a blank screen making it up as I go because only during these meditations on otherness do I feel like all is not for naught and that I have a reason to live, a reason to reap what I sew and a reason to die.

You’re a wordsmith.
So I am pretty certain you get it
And have answered the question for yourself
How it feels to be without a home, like a complete unknown,
Like a rolling stone.

I’m thinking you also understand better than most humans
That the only true justice is from on high and that this justice
Comes at an unresolvable and unremitting price.
When the Prince of Peace showed you an eye for an eye
And a tooth for a tooth did it alter how you love and hate?

Words do make a difference.
They operate on a higher place of transmigration just ask Timothy
Archer when he passed into the body of a dying science fiction writer
And how exalted he felt when the pink beam passed through him and
A series of strokes left him with no answers or questions; only a blank slate.

Words make all of the difference in this world.
The complications arise in the next when even streams of consciousness
Cannot save us from our most ardent and unrelenting of cheerleaders.
And do you remember when you cut your very first record and how the
Blues poured from you like rain showers down from the billowing clouds?

Charles Cicirella

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